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01: Bun basics

bun init

To initialize a package.json along with other project specifications, run the command bun init, which also sets up typescript in your project

bun run

bun run is the stand-in replacement for the npm run command, used to run scripts or individual files.

However, where it differs is in automatic support for watch mode and hot reload with these options:

  • --watch : runs the file in watch mode, restarting state
  • --hot : runs the file with hot reloading, keeping current state

The difference between watch mode and hot reload is that watch mode is stateless, meaning any state it has is reinitialized when it reloads the file, as opposed to hot reloading, which keeps the state.

bun install

bun install is the stand-in replacement for npm install


bunx is the standard replacement for npx , used to run scripts or local dependencies without installing them.

bun build

"scripts": {
"build": "bun build --outdir=./dist --watch ./src/app.ts ./src/sw.ts"
  • --outdir : the directory to put the bundle files into
  • --watch : builds in watch mode

The other arguments are the entrypoints for bundling. Each entrypoint outputs to 1 js bundle file.


By default, typescript with bun only works for server-side node and bun types. If you want to use typescript definitions in a browser context, like for window and document, put these triple slash directives at the top of any ts file that will get bundled into a browser js file:

/// <reference lib="dom" />
/// <reference lib="dom.iterable" />