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HTML tutorial


The <datalist> element works a lot like a select except it has autocomplete.

<div>Choose your favorite color:</div>
<input list="demo__list" />
<datalist id="demo__list">
<option value="Blue" />
<option value="Indigo" />
<option value="Gray" />
<option value="Green" />
<option value="Pink" />
<option value="Purple" />
<option value="Red" />
<option value="Yellow" />


The dialog element is used as an easy way to add a modal.

<dialog open>
<form method="dialog">
<button type="submit" autofocus>close</button>

Open a <dialog> element by setting the open="true" attribute on it. Once a dialog is open, there are three ways to close it:

  1. User submits a <form> with a method="dialog" attribute
  2. User presses esc key
  3. Use javascript to call the dialog.close() method, where the dialog element is an instance of the HTMLDialogElement.

Dialog methods

You have three methods available on the dialog in javascript. /* opens the dialog */
dialog.showModal() /* opens the dialog as a modal */
dialog.close() /* closes the dialog */
  • : opens up the dialog, but without a darkened backdrop.
  • dialog.showModal() : opens up the dialog with a darkened backdrop which you can style with the ::backdrop pseudoelement.
  • dialog.close() : closes the dialog