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Let's take a look at how you can use dates in JavaScript.

Date getters

Here are the various time units you can get from a date:

const date = new Date();
console.log(date); // 2023-10-12T21:54:19.021Z

fullYear: date.getFullYear(), // YYYY format
month: date.getMonth(), // 0-11, 0: January, 11: December
date: date.getDate(), // Gets the day number out of the month, like 12 for 12th of october
day: date.getDay(), // 0-6, 0: Sunday, 6: Saturday
hours: date.getHours(), // 0-23
minutes: date.getMinutes(), // 0-59
seconds: date.getSeconds(), // 0-59
milliseconds: date.getMilliseconds(), // 0-999

Here is the list of all the getters you can use on a date:

  • date.getFullYear(): Gets the year in YYYY format
  • date.getMonth(): Gets the month number, 0-11, 0: January, 11: December
  • date.getDate(): Gets the day number out of the month, like 12 for 12th of october
  • date.getDay(): Gets the day number, 0-6, 0: Sunday, 6: Saturday
  • date.getHours(): Gets the hours, 0-23
  • date.getMinutes(): Gets the minutes, 0-59
  • date.getSeconds(): Gets the seconds, 0-59
  • date.getMilliseconds(): Gets the milliseconds, 0-999
  • date.getTime(): Gets the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC
// this method returns the difference in hours, minutes, and days between two dates
function getDifferenceInDays(date1: Date, date2: Date) {
const differenceInMilliseconds = date1.getTime() - date2.getTime();
const differenceInDays = differenceInMilliseconds / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
const demicalPart: number = differenceInDays % 1;
const numHours = demicalPart * 24;
const numMinutes = (numHours % 1) * 60;

const displayDays: number = differenceInDays - demicalPart;
const displayHours = Math.floor(numHours);
const displayMinutes = Math.floor(numMinutes);
return {
days: displayDays,
hours: displayHours,
minutes: displayMinutes,

Date setters

Similiarly to the getters, you can change the actual time value of a date through setters, of which there is an appropriate associated setter for each getter:

function twoWeeksFromNow(date: Date) {
// 1. creates a new date object with the same time as the date passed in
const futureDate = new Date(date.getTime());
// 2. sets the "date" property of a date, 14 days from that date
futureDate.setDate(date.getDate() + 14);