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The most SEO related things for images is just related to performance since they are the biggest resource sink on a webpage. But also alt attributes are important.


You should never omit the alt= attribute, but it depends what you need to put for the alt description depending on the image you are describing.

  • Normal image: Imagine you are going to be describing the image to a screen-reader that is blind. H
    • Example: alt="Fluffy, a tri-color terrier with very short hair, with a tennis ball in her mouth"
  • ICONS: For icons, a simple one word description describing the intention of the icon is sufficient.
    • Example: a search icon should have alt="search"
  • Decorative: If the image is purely decorative, include an empty alt="" and role="none"

Preventing layout shifts

<img src="switch.svg" alt="light switch" role="img" width="70" height="112" />

Specifying both width and height on an image improves performance because it prevents layout shifts.

CSS will override these values, but you can provide a correct aspect ratio for the image to prevent layout shifts anyway.